Whats going on gamers!  Its your leaders in PS3 repair here again just to talk about the next generation in Playstation gaming.  The PS4.

Now, we are all eagerly awaiting this new system, but what do we know about it other than its coming out soon?  Not much, but lets talk about what we DO (kind of) know!


The PS4 will support 4K:

Thats right, the next level in high definition television, 4K will be supported by this system.  Sony already has set their new 80″ 4K television for under $30,000.  Right.  That price is insane, and so is the size of that television.  But they will be making smaller versions of this ultra high definition tv, and will use the PS4 to push them onto the customers.


Possible Virtual Reality:

(This looks a bit excessive, but who knows.  New technology always starts out ultra clunky. LOL)

Yes, this technology is rumored to be making a huge comeback into the gaming world.  It was introduced to us in the early 90′s to very little fanfare (remember the Virtual Boy?)  But just like 3D, the experts are looking at this to make a huge splash back into our gaming exeperience.  Reason being?  3D gaming isnt doing as well as they thought.  You would think this would tell them to just leave old technology alone right?  Well I guess not.  Hopefully this is just a rumor.


Disc-less gaming:

(Im almost 92% confident this wont be the display on the system.)

This will quite possibly be a staple in next-gen gaming.  More games that are downloaded online and stored onto your hard drive.  This will cut down on the cost of production, and hopefully that will be passed on to the consumer.  But at the rate that these games are being produced, the chances of that are slim to none.  Well, at least you will be doing your part for Mother Earth by buying less plastic right?  On top of all that, this pretty much alienates people who dont have ultra high speed internet connections.  I mean, who’s seriously going to wait HOURS for a whole game download?  Im sure this will be experimented with on the new systems, but it would be too big of a loss for companies to just bank on this method of distribution.


A 2014 release??:


This is what is being said by the big wigs at Gamestop.  While most folks believed that we would see two next-gen systems in 2013, they stated that the newest rumor is that they only expect one new system next year, and another in 2014.  Most have assumed it will be the PS4 in 2014 because its the one system that has the most staying power and least to upgrade of the three systems that are out.


Well there you have it, until that day comes that we get the new glorious PS4, we need to take care of our PS3′s now.  If you need any PS3 repair work done in any way, any fixes at all, make sure you contact us at to get that up and running.  Until then, KEEP GAMING!!

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Fall’s Big Games!

Hey gamers!  the PS3 repair leaders here again to talk to you about the big games that are coming out this fall!

First we have Borderlands 2:

The crazy cell shaded first person shooter/RPG is back for a second time!  This game features four all new characters to wreck havoc and collect loot with.  From Salvador, the gunzerker who can dual wield any gun type, to Zero, the ninja assassin who can create a decoy of himself!  We’ve seen plenty of footage of this game, and trust us, you want to get this when it comes out this month!

Next we have Resident Evil 6:

The king of survival horror has returned!  Resident Evil 6 is set out to be Capcom’s most ambitious game yet.  With THREE (possibly more?) different storylines all containing two characters each.  Series vets Leon, Chris, and newcomer Jake team up to take on a host new enemies, including the J’avo.  They look human, but are infected with the C-Virus.  Shooting them in certain areas of their body, will make them mutate into a much more deadly enemy!  Look for this game in October!


Now we have Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Its almost time folks.  Call of Duty Black Ops 2 will soon be here!  With more action and drama than any of the previous entries, we follow a huge war that is started over the lack of precious minerals used for technology.  You will play in two different time settings, the 80′s, and the not so distant future.  Tons of new guns and vehicles are at your disposal, from hovering drones with mounted machine guns, to four legged tanks that can take down an entire skyscraper!  I know us here at Endless Electronics cant wait for this to come out.

Lastly we have Playstation All Stars: Battle Royale

You ever wanted to know what would happen if Sly Cooper went heads up with Jax from Jax and Daxter?  Or how about how about if Parappa The Rapper decided to kick punch Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal in the face, what would happen?  Well with Playstation All-Stars: Battle Royale you get to get ANSWERS.  Thats right all of your favorite characters from Playstation’s greatest games are all going head to head in a fight to the finish.  Crazy level design from current and former hit PS games set the scene for this over the top fighter.  Many 3rd party game publishers have agreed to have their characters appear in the game, like Dante from the new Devil May Cry, Kratos from God of War, and Raiden from the Metal Gear Solid series!!  Look for this awesome game in November!!

Im sure we missed a few other awesome games.  But those are just a few of the new games we are really looking forward to.  What did we miss??  Let us know in the comments!  Remember, dont overplay on your PS3.  We know how intense things can get, but you can easily damage your PS3 because of overheating.  And if you happen to need that PS3 repair, you should contact us right here at


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PS3 power supply, why should I upgrade, and upgrade to what?

Hello again gamers!  Your leaders in PS3 repair, Endless Electronics here again to talk to you about a semi-common repair/upgrade for the PS3 that our customers ask for.  As well as an upgrade some customers should look into getting and might not understand why.  The power supply.

Now the power supply is where all the power for your system comes from.  Sounds easy enough right?  But this is the thing.  With a lot of systems/laptops/etc the power supply is on the outside of the system.  With the PS3, the power supply is on the inside.  This can cause a TON of heat within the system in itself, thus giving you possible overheating issues.

So okay now that you know why you should possibly upgrade your power supply, to what should you upgrade it to?  Well I’ll tell you.

Chances are if you have a PS3, and the power source hasnt been replaced, you have the Sony ZSSR power source model.

You can tell it’s the model by the round holes all around it.  This model isnt very reliable and gets EXTREMELY HOT.  Which again, can cause really bad overheating issues with your system.  Hopefully you havent been having those problems, but if so you might want to get it serviced by us.

Next we have the APS-231

This model has less circle vents than the one above.

Folks think this power source upgrade is a good idea.  It runs very cool and will keep your system running like it should.  But there is a huge problem, compatibility issues.  It doesn’t fit and or work with all PS3 models.  So you could try and get this, and it totally not even do what you expected it to do.


Finally we have the APS-226

You can tell which one this is by the square vents all over the unit.

Now this system gives you everything.  Its long lasting, it runs cool, and its compatible with all PS3 systems!  If you are in need of a PS3 repair of this kind, this is what we use to fix your system!

Hopefully this blog shed more light on power supplies and why they are needed to be repaired in your playstation.  If you have any other questions feel free to comment in the blog or reach us at

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Heat Guns: Seriously…stop using them.


Yep gamers, we are tackling this issue head on.  Each and every day, doesnt matter if its on the blog, on facebook, or calls or emails.  We deal with this demon, and we dont like it.  Yes I am talking about


Now we get it, folks like to save money on their PS3 repair.  Heck we do too!  But we do also know that you get what you pay for.  Now I understand alot of you might look at me saying this blog isn’t honest because I am in the busisness of fixing broken PS3‘s, but hear me out.  We are in the business of making sure you can PLAY your PS3.  Using a heat gun is a quick and easy way to assure you that you will not be playing it for very long.  Why?  Here’s a list of reason why it isnt smart.

1) HEAT GUNS ARE USED TO DRY PAINT.  Seriously, that is their point and purpose.  That and shrinkwrapping things.  Neither of those two things are fixing soldering joints, so you shouldnt use them for that.

2) They are very VERY inaccurate.  You never know the exact heat you are using with heat guns.  All you know is that it is hot.  Things like this are VERY IMPORTANT to know when you are trying to repair your PS3.  Certain components cant be at a certain level of heat. Which brings me to…

3) THE HEAT IS UNEVEN.  Yes.  With heat guns you can only heat from one side at a time.  So that means it can cause great warping in the motherboard.  You think you’re being smart by using the heat gun on the other side, but no.  You again have no idea how hot the gun was on the one side you used it on, so it will never be properly even using this method

4) MOST FOLKS HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO PROPERLY OPEN A PS3.  Many times you decide to go ahead and open that system, and as soon as you do, you broke something because you have no idea what is connected to that shell, and now you have a bigger issue on your hands.

5) (one of the bigger issues) EXPOSING THE MOTHERBOARD TO STATIC ELECTRICITY.  For those who arent in the know, static and motherboards are the fans of the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees in the computer world.  Them coming together in one place, never a good thing.  Ever.

and finally

6) IT IS A TEMPORARY FIX.  I cannot stress this issue enough.  I know you want to save money.  I know.  But please know that it will break again.  And you will go back into your system and reheat it.  And guess what, its going to happen again.  And then you go back to reheat.  And then you’ve fried things on your motherboard that arent meant to be fried (which is nothing on the motherboard).  Now you have a completely unrepairable system.  All because of the few dollars you saved when you could have gotten it reballed by professionals.  (ahem, US).

So there you have it.  We totally understand why people think its smart.  And some are successful at doing it, but if you dont have the proper equipment or the knowhow about your PS3, heck even if you do.  Using heat guns IS NOT A GOOD IDEA.

Questions?  Comments?  Let us know here!  If you want to get your system repaired professionally and quickly feel free to visit us at

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Why you should NOT buy a PS3 Slim…

Whats going on gamers?  Just wanted to speak to everyone for a second about the PS3 slim…and why you should NOT invest in the system in ANY way.

See, Sony by all means has to figure out ways to rebrand their system and make the masses spend more money.  Not only that they want to gain the new customers who they didnt have before.  They entice you with a newer, slimmer model with a new cheaper price tag and people think they are getting a deal.

Well…they arent.

Most of the inside of the PS3 slim is plastic.  And as we all know PS3′s can get very hot.  Heat + plastic = unhappy gamer.  On top of that the fan on the inside of the PS3 Slim is WAY MORE smaller than the original fat version.  Again, the heat with all that plastic, and a tiny little fan to move it away, your game system wont last very long, and you will have to come to us for a repair.

Dont want to take my word for it?  How about we show some picture comparisons..Left: Fat model fan, Right: Slim model fan

On the left, we have the Fat model inner fan.  On the right we have the Slim model inner fan.

On the left is the PS3 Fat Model metal sink, on the right is the Slim metal sink

And on the left here we have the fat model metal heat sink, on the right we have two tiny pieces that are the slim model metal heat sink.


Still thinking you should purchase that PS3 Slim?  Well check this youtube video out.

Look at how hot that system is!  The whole console is almost overheated.

So now you know, if you are to get a PS3, without question try and purchase a Fat model.  The Slim ones will break down more than most and will cost you more money in the end.  But if you need that PS3 repair.  Come to us here at and we will get it fixed for you!

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Our Hybrid packages: What do they do for me?

Hello gamers!  Back again with another blog.  Hopefully all is well with you and your systems.  If not, you know who to talk to!

Now on to the subject at hand.  We get many calls and emails each day asking about our services.  Many people dont just want one thing done to their PS3, they want to assurance that it wont break anymore.  Some are even looking to upgrade the components on it!

Well for those people, we offer hybrid packages.  Because purchasing all of these services a la carte would be quite expensive.  We offer you a few ways to repair as well as upgrade your PS3 system to have it running just like you want it to.

First up we have the Works Package: which includes thermal pad upgrads, the epic clean system to ensure your system is dust free and looking like it did when you first bought it.  A lifetime YLOD warranty, as well as the No Worry Shipping.  This package is only $60

Then we have the Component Upgrade Package: with this you get thermal pad upgrades, an epic clean system, a power supply upgrade and x flow fan modification which helps with cooling your system down majorly.  The price for that is $100 and that includes worry free shipping!

We then have our Storage Upgrade Package: This is for folks who want more memory in their PS3 system.  It comes with a 320GB HDD, thermal pad upgrade, epic cleaning and worry free shipping.  This package is for $130

Last we have our HDD/SDD Package: this is for the hardcore gamers/entertainment lovers who need the max memory on their PS3.  It comes with a 500GB SSD/HDD, thermal pad upgrade, epic cleaning system, and no worry shipping.  This package is $160

So I hope we made it a little more clear on what it is we offer, why we offer it and what it does for you.  If you have any other questions or would like to try one of these packages out, or just for simple PS3 Repair please visit us at

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YLOD Prevention: What you can do at home to help aid this dilemma

Hey guys!  Just wanted to talk to you all for a second about the dreaded YLOD, and how you can prevent it at home from happening to you.

For those that dont know YLOD, or Yellow Light of Death happens when the soldering joints on the GPU are cracked.  This happens because of overheating from consistant play.  Doing things like adding new thermal pads or thermal paste can aid this.  As well as making sure your PS3 is sitting vertical and not horizontal.  On top of that keeping it as clean, and dust free as possible really helps.  Some of these things are quite difficult and can void your warranty on your PS3.  So if you want your PS3 repair done and taken care of by professionals you should visit us here!

Now many of our customers who suffer from the YLOD ask, what is the difference between the Reball and the Reflow service, and why should I go with one and not the other?

Well, with the Reflow service, you have the solder joints that are originally on your GPU fixed.  This process is $50 and comes with a one year warranty.  The Reball service adds all new soldering joints to the GPU and comes with a 1 year warranty.  The cost for that service is $80.  We suggest you go with the Reball because its longer lasting.  The soldering job that came with the PS3 is not really built for long term gaming, so the joints are bound to break from time to time.  We at Endless Electronics can take care of any and all PS3 repair issues quickly and professionally.

If you have any questions, or would like to get a repair started on your system.  Please visit us here at 

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New Games: Sleeping Dogs and Darksiders 2

Its a new week, so you know what that means right?  NEW VIDEOGAMES!


First we have Sleeping Dogs:

Sleeping Dogs

This game that was once True Crime 3: Hong Kong has been taken over and revived by Activision in a critically acclaimed fashion.  The story follows Wei Shen, an undercover cop who seems to be in a bit over his head.  Hes working to take down a criminal organization from the inside out.  This game features open ended sandbox gameplay.  Much like GTA, any car of any kind is at your use, as well as you can interact with just about anyone you see on the streets.  The action is fast paced, with combat based around most martial arts films.  So you will use tons of counter attacks and your surroundings as weapons to take down gangs all at once.  You can also power up Wei as you go.  The more he does as far as missions go he earns XP that branch to one of three sides.  Either Face, Police, or Triad.  Earning more for one than the other affects your reputation in the game, so smart choices must be made at all times.   If you are looking for super fast, gory, and exciting gameplay that rivals any action movie you’ve seen this year, GO GET THIS GAME.


Next up, we have Darksiders 2:


This game from Vigil Games/THQ  is the sequel to the first well received Darksiders.  Taking place around the same time as the first, the horseman “Death” learns the fate of his brother “War”.  He’s been accused of starting the apocalypse early, and banished to earth as punishment.  Death not believing that his brother would do such a thing, decides to go after his brother, as well as uncover who is really behind the early apocalypse.  This game isn’t your run of the mill RPG, or is it?  It takes the greatest atributes of your favorite RPG/Action games, and puts a new dark and evil spin on them.  Making it all feel new again.  Although the gameplay can come off as liniar at times, there is TONS to do in this universe.  Topping over 20+ hours, so you without question get your money’s worth.

Both of these games are awesome, but it’s going to be quite hard to play them both if your PS3 needs to be fixed.  So how about you head over to our PS3 Repair page and let us get you squared away so you can get back to gaming!

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Happy Independence Day!


Happy 4th of July! Thanks to all of you who serve our great country in the military.

Happy Independence day.

Endless Electronics will be closed in observance with the national holiday.

Be sure to support American small business! If you need PS3 Repair, check us out.

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PS3 Repair | YLOD Repair | The Component Upgrade Package


At Endless Electronics we like to offer you the most value for your money. One of our most popular PS3 repairs (and most for your money) is the PS3 Reball with the Component Upgrade Package for PS3s with the Yellow Light of Death.

Checkout a video about the component upgrade package, click here.

The Reball is the most reliable method of repair for a PS3 with the YLOD (Yellow Light of Death) and when paired with the component upgrade package your PS3 will be one tank of a unit. Ready for hundreds of hours of more gaming and fortified against overheating, the infamous YLOD, HDD failures and more.

After getting a reball done, your PS3 will be fairly protected against another YLOD due to solder failure but overheating is the real enemy of PS3s. If your PS3 is not able to stay cool effectively it is bound to break down again or have other issues and require more repairs, especially if you are a heavy user. The Component Upgrade Package will help insure this doesn’t happen and you can use your PS3 worry free.

With the Component Upgrade Package you PS3 will receive: Thermal Pad Upgrade, Epic Clean Service, No Worry Shipping Box, New 19 Blade Fan Install, New Power Supply Install, and The X-flow modification. All this for only $100 (+ a 10% discount off your whole repair). Want a Reball + Component Upgrade Package? Only $162.00 (Compared to paying $140 at other shops for just a reball this is a steal). With these upgrades done to your PS3 it will be many times more protected from future failure. At Endless Electronics we know how much you love your PS3, so show your love by getting the Reball and the Component Upgrade Package.

Checkout our youtube video about the component upgrade package to see everything that is included!

Have any questions? Need a PS3 Repair? Contact us at [email protected] or .

∞Endless Electronics

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