Ultrasonic Cleaning: What is it, and why should you get it?

Hello again gamers!!  Endless Electronics, the leaders in PS3 repair here to talk about the one thing we havent talked about yet.  Our ultrasonic cleansing service!  Now most folks wonder why this is even important.  They figure that they keep their systems pretty clean, and in good shape.  But they dont realize that its almost impossible to keep the entire inside of that system clean without actually opening it up, which we do NOT suggest to anyone.


Your PS3′s fan can only blow out so much.  Its job is to keep air circulating within the system as well as keep contaminates from within it out.  Its a huge radius in which it blows, and if you look at the vent placements on the system, dust and dirt can easily get caught in different areas of the system, as well as within the heat sink.

Canned air and a vacuum works, but only for so long.  First off this is something that everyone should be doing every few weeks or so to their system to keep it up and running.  Just blow a bit of canned air into your system’s vents, and use a vacuum hose to get the debris that was blown out.  But even with that, you have to be doing this everyday to keep your system dust free completely, WHILE you are playing.  Which is NOT smart or ok.

If you dont clean your system, it can and WILL overheat.  This causes a ton of issues for your system, especially the dreaded YELLOW LIGHT OF DEATH.  That constant buildup of dirt, dust, snacks, dead insects (you would be amazed at the things we have seen in systems) will eventually catch up with you and make your system work harder to keep it cool.  Which actually makes it hotter.

So with all of that said, what is the ultrasonic cleaning?  Well we take your heat sink and fan, and let it soak in our special solution.  The waves from our cleaner, create tiny bubbles that get within all of the crevices of your system’s inner workings.  It comes out of the bath as clean as it was from the factory.  This service without question does help prolong the life of your system.  We recommend that you get this service with any of your repairs.  Especially the YLOD, because overheating is the reason why that even happens in the first place.

Hope this blog helped make that service a bit more clear for you.  If you would like it with your next PS3 repair, feel free to request it from us here at Endless Electronics!  https://www.endlesselectronics.org

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